On Thursday, the dad’s attorney requested that the allure from the Sindh High Court’s choice about the youngster’s recuperation be dropped. This changed the circumstance.


The appeal was taken a gander at by Justice Muneeb Akhtar, Justice Sajjad Ali Shah, and Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, every one of whom worked in the Karachi vault of the Supreme Court.

The seat said that Dua ought to be dealt with like an individual and not grouped like dairy cattle. They likewise said that she was an individual.

The high court said that they couldn’t push the case ahead on the grounds that Dua Zehra was at that point wedded to the man she had picked.

Likewise, the high court made it clear to Dua Zehra’s dad that his girl was not “seized” or “bothered” in any capacity.

Mehdi Zazmi was likewise told by the Supreme Court decides that a young lady’s Nikah was as yet substantial regardless of whether she got hitched before she turned 16.

The seat said that it was as yet legitimate as indicated by the law made by the Sindh Assembly. They likewise asked what they could do since her little girl actually wouldn’t go with him after the gathering.

The top court likewise let Kazmi know that in the event that he maintained that a clinical board should be made, he ought to converse with the perfect individuals.

The SC let the solicitor know that the issue was not something it could assist with.

Eventually, Mehdi Kazmi’s legal counselor, Jibran Nasir, said in a meeting with the media that Dua’s nikah nama was genuine.

He said that nobody had at any point shown that it was a phony.

Then, he said, “He and his client could converse with the ideal individuals about framing a clinical board.”

He said, “We will again raise the young lady’s age as a calculate the preliminary court.”

“We will request the secretary from wellbeing to assemble another board. Jibran Nasir said, “We have a decent opportunity that the report will back us up.”