Littlefeather died Sunday in the Northern California city of Novato following a years-long battle with chest threatening development that had metastasized recently, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

It’s been very nearly quite a while since Littlefeather – – then, 26 – – showed up rather than Marlon Brando, who won the Best Performer Oscar for The Watchman, and passed on a directive for Brando’s advantage about the maltreatment and mistreatment of Neighborhood Americans.

On Sunday, The Groundwork of Film Articulations and Sciences proclaimed her passing, tweeting, “Sacheen Littlefeather, Neighborhood American social fairness protester who extensively declined Marlon Brando’s 1973 Best Performer Foundation Award, fails miserably at 75.”

In August, The Establishment shared a mollifying feeling for the following repercussions from her showing of dispute. Establishment president David Rubin gave a letter to Littlefeather for the Foundation’s advantage, praising her talk and the impact it had.

“As you stayed on the Oscars stage in 1973 to not recognize the Oscar for Marlon Brando, in affirmation of the mutilation and maltreatment of Neighborhood American people by the diversion world, you offered areas of strength for a that continues to assist us with recalling the need of respect and the meaning of human regard,” Rubin said of Littlefeather’s remarks at the capability in the letter. “The abuse you overcame considering this declaration was absurd and inappropriate.

The up close and personal weight you have made due and the cost for your own calling in our industry are unsalvageable,” the letter continued.

“From now onward, indefinitely a truly significant time-frame the intensity you showed has been unacknowledged.

For this, we offer both our most significant articulations of regret and our sincere respect.”

“Today, right around 50 years sometime later, and with the bearing of the Establishment’s Local Organization, we are firm in our commitment to ensuring local voices-the principal storytellers are observable, respected allies of the overall film neighborhood,” proclamation of disappointment imparted.

“We are focused on developing a more far reaching, respectful industry that utilization a concordance among craftsmanship and activism to be a primary impulse for progress.”

“We genuinely need to accept that you get this letter in the spirit of give and take and as affirmation of your principal work in our journey as an affiliation,” Rubin wrapped up the proclamation of disappointment. “You are in every case deliberately engrained in our arrangement of encounters.”

— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) October 3, 2022