The Netflix series Dopesick has depicted a genuine person named Russell Portenoy. In 1995, a drug organization named Purdue Pharma delivered a medication named OxyContin and forcefully marketed it.

The medication was dispatched with one of the biggest drug marketing efforts which later was demonstrated habit-forming and welcomed the most noticeably terrible narcotic epidemy in the country.

The Netflix dramatization miniseries depends on this equivalent story. The person Russell was a supporter for Purdue whose confirmation bring the medication into utilization which later developed into an epidemy.

After the medication was made, many specialists contended that it is habit-forming. In any case, Russell Portenoy, who is an aggravation expert at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center contended that it was a ‘clinical legend’ and narcotics can be utilized long haul with minimal incidental effects.

Also, the justification for why he said that is on the grounds that he was getting assets from Purdue.

Russell Portenoy Wikipedia profile isn’t accessible on the Internet. Be that as it may, where he works presently has some data about his skill.

He is the head of the MJHS Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care and Chief Medical Officer of MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care. He is additionally an educator of nervous system science at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

He was establishing Chairman of the Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care and the Gerald J. Friedman Chair in Pain Medicine and Palliative Care at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center prior to joining MJHS.

He additionally filled in as establishing Chairman of the Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care and the Gerald J. Friedman Chair in Pain Medicine and Palliative Care at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center.

— J. #EmergencyConfetti Doyle (@sibersong) April 10, 2019

In 2019, he consented to affirm against Purdue and other medication creators with whom he used to acknowledge assets and backer for them beforehand, as per CNBC.

Richard Slacker and Russell Portenoy knew about one another. The director and leader of Purdue Pharma used to give assets to Dr. Russell Portenoy, an aggravation expert so he would advocate for their medication named OxyContin.

The words from an expert were accepted by individuals which later transformed into a fiasco as individuals began being dependent on the medication.