Final Fantasy XV is no stranger to delays with its release. Originally the title was revealed as Final Fantasy Versus 13 in 2006. Since then the title has experienced a long development cycle. Over the course of its creation Square Enix has changed company leadership, game development practices, business focus & etc.

Originally, the title was scheduled to release on September 30, 2016. Now, its been rumored to release November 29, 2016 instead. This news is supported by sources from Gamestop that shared information from marketing material with the date change.

Fans have been skeptical on the source of the news. However, photographic evidence has been provided – They clearly show instructions to update the release date to November.

No official confirmation has been provided. It’s assumed an announcement will come next week as the new marketing ads will be on display this Monday. 

Final Fantasy and RPG fans can expect more news regarding this rumor soon.